Teaching & Learning Today: April 2022
April 19, 2022
April 19, 2022
Welcome to the first edition of Teaching and Learning TODAY. There are many new and exciting opportunities in development for VEA members to continue to grow as professionals and as union members. VEA Teaching and Learning has re-imagined how to meet the needs of today’s educators and will use this platform to keep you apprised of what’s happening and what learning opportunities are available, no matter your position. It is our goal to provide high-quality professional learning for teachers and ESPs. Collaboration with field staff and members is important to assessing needs and developing products and programs in response to those needs, and we have some exciting things in store for you! So, be sure to tune in regularly.
During this time of teacher shortages and teachers leaving the field, it is interesting to note that a study in South Carolina found attrition rates among National Board Certified Teachers were significantly lower than the statewide attrition rate over a period of 5 years. While some NBCTs in SC referenced the stipend awarded to NBCTs as an incentive, many NBCTs attest to the certification process as a growth experience that has improved their practice and re-energized their passion for teaching. Numerous studies show the positive impact NBCTs have in their schools, with many students of NBCTs showing learning gains of 2-3 months ahead of their peers with non-NBCT teachers. Virginia currently has almost 4,000 NBCTs, but they are heavily concentrated in just a handful of districts and, as of December, fewer than 45 of Virginia’s 133 school districts had active candidates for certification. The VEA is developing support for our NBCTs and NB candidates to serve both our educators by elevating the teaching profession and our students by improving the quality of teaching and learning through this meaningful professional growth. Want to learn more about National Board Certification? Contact us at akbrown@veanea.org, or use this form to request an informational presentation or webinar.
This month we would like to introduce Donna Hamilton, Administrative Assistant and SVEA-AE Coordinator for Teaching & Learning. Donna has enjoyed a long tenure with VEA and worked in various offices over the years. She has been working with the student program and this office for 13 years. Donna is a vital part of the team as she keeps us on track with events coming up and provides too many support services to try to mention. Her current focus is recruiting and engaging student members and advisors. Donna may be reached at dhamilton@veanea.org
Virginia is a top 10 state in median household income, but ranks 36th in the US in state per pupil funding of K-12 education.
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